From the Mind of a Thinker

From the Mind of a Thinker
From the Mind of a Thinker

Monday, August 13, 2012

Who Will Protect the Men and Children?

It all started about a week ago when I received some information on how to get convictions overturned. I started thinking about all the people I know personally who need and deserve a second chance at life. I personally feel that black men have got to be more aware of the decisions that make and how it directly affects them and anyone else they want in their lives and futures. This thought led me to do a little research.

My website of choice was for the Georgia Department of Corrections ( I decided to do a search of how many black men between the ages of 20-30 were in jail and what the crime was. I found that a majority of them were in jail for burglary, armed robbery, and other crimes that involve theft. Now personally, this angered me. My first thought was these lazy men don't want to work and earn money so they can afford to buy the things they want, instead they just take from innocent people. Though this statement is very true for some, I figured this can't be true for all. Unfortunately, I may never get to see how true that statement is. What I have realized though, is when these men finally want to get their lives together, they can't find work. We know what happens next: they result back to stealing. It's a cycle. Men, you've got to recognize this and act accordingly because the state of Georgia is NOT on your side.

Now, lets turn to the women. No, women, you are not exempt. But we pity the poor, helpless, woman don't we? Let me fill you in on this information that actually shocked me. I did another search, this time on women just in my county that were in jail. That turned up only 3 pages. That made me a little hopeful. Then I started looking at the things they were in jail for. I found murder to be quite common for the women. I then searched for all women in Georgia who were in jail for murder. This turned up about 9 pages. I wanted to know these women's stories. Let it be known that all of this stuff is public information and if you want to find something, you can (words of wisdom). To my surprise, a majority of these women who were in jail for murder, were in there for murdering their children. Yes, children. Yes, I know many of you were probably thinking husbands and boyfriends just as I did. They were at a close second, but that fact that it was children startled and disgusted me. It's also important to note that this was across all races. I admit, I never would have became interested in this subject matter if I didn't know someone who is personally going through some issues right now and him being a guy, could ultimately hurt him.

Many of the stories of women killing their children led to many questions on my end and sadly many testimonies from family members of these children all said similar things: we begged the Department of Family and Children's Services to do something, we begged them to help these people, but they never did and now this child is dead. A very sad realization. Did you all know that for a woman to be considered an unfit mother, she has to "mess up" at least 5 times? What if that "mess up" is the time that child's life ends? I can't fathom how these things happen. As hurtful or offensive as this may sound, I don't believe or condone the whole "mental issues" or "psychotic" type thing. You weren't too "crazy" to lay down and have a child were you? I realize that there are some instances where a woman is forced into having a child, but come on. The fact that this is so common really scares me. We have got to do something to protect the children and also save the rights of the dads that are really eager and able to be a part of their child's life. It isn't fair or right that a child be turned over to the mother is the mother cannot get her own life together, especially when there is proof and testimony of such. What are we really saying by doing this? It's a truth we all need to start discussing and exploring.

To the State of Georgia, I challenge you to adjust laws that are favorable towards women just because they are women and for other unfair reasons. Looks like too many have slipped through the cracks. What do you all think of this?

**NOTE: If any of you or someone you know in Georgia want to explore ways to get convictions overturned, feel free to message me or email me at Serious inquiries only.

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