From the Mind of a Thinker

From the Mind of a Thinker
From the Mind of a Thinker

Thursday, July 14, 2016

What Freedom Looks Like...

I am finally starting to calm down enough to really listen and take in all the things that have been going on lately.  I went through many different emotions last week, but I am inspired.  Even in my moment of inspiration, there are still some disappointments.  There are some pertinent people we still haven't heard from on the matter of black lives, police brutality, and our safety and security as a whole.  It's really interesting to me how we can spend so much time being concerned about other countries, but black people, have you all given any thought to the fact that we could end up being the next group of refugees? Just something to ponder. I am still waiting patiently for our presidential hopefuls to speak up.  They've been mighty quiet...and no, a simple tweet or Facebook post is not going to do.

"If you have a critique for the resistance, for our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression. If you have no interest in equal rights for black people then do not make suggestions to those who do. Sit down." -Jesse Williams

I realize everyone isn't about this life and that's fine, however, don't discourage your friends or family members by trying to impose your fears unto them because you are too afraid of being left behind.  If you can't hang with the big dogs, get off the porch.  If you're just going to hang around the porch, then shut up and make yourself useful.  For those of you who still don't believe it has anything to do with race, then please explain the difference between these videos we've seen lately and the one with the white guy pretty much beating up the police in McDonald's.  Research it yourself, I am not going to post it here.  But if anyone can explain why he was handled differently, outside of the color of his skin, then perhaps I'll give another opinion some consideration.  If you, as a police officer, are afraid of black people, then perhaps you chose the wrong career field. 

Be blessed and stay safe!

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