From the Mind of a Thinker

From the Mind of a Thinker
From the Mind of a Thinker

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Millennial, The Third Strike

Let me start by saying the world we live in is a crazy one.  It seems to get even stranger by the day.  The things we as a people become fixated on are so miniscule and ridiculous.  A majority of these things can be altered, but what about the things we cannot change?  It's not enough that I'm black.  That's THE topic of discussion these days.  It always has been, but now it's more prominent than ever. People hate me because of the color of my skin.  That's it.  How ignorant is that?  Next up, I'm a woman.  Do you all realize that there are people out here who will not vote for Hillary Clinton simply because of the fact that she is a woman? This is not a joke people.  While this whole election has been a mockery of humanity, we must face a very real thought; Donald Trump could end up being our next president.  Not because he's here for change, not because he's a great politician who cares about the people, but simply for what is between his legs.  If you think this is far fetched, take a moment to speak to some of these older men, particularly those who are of retirement age and spend their days out on the golf course.  Many of these men just CANNOT (strong, sarcastic emphasis) vote for a woman for anything.  Unfortunately, there are just as many women who feel the same way.   So now, I'm also hated because of the sex I was born as.  To rub salt in the wound, as some of my relatives would say, now I have to deal with being hated because of my age. 

If I hear another thing about "millennials" I think I am going to scream.  It's one thing to be generally concerned about the state of the economy and the mystery that surrounds this group I am apparently a part of, but it's another thing to place us under a microscope as if we are some creatures being dissected in Biology class.  I am over it.  It's just another way to separate and discriminate and the reasoning baffles me.  Some of the craziest things I've read (yes, I actually read) about us are, we're spoiled, entitled, the worst generation, don't know life without cell phones and computers, we didn't know who Prince was and the list of complaints go on and on and on.  And yes, it is just as ridiculous as what you just read.  I probably should throw in my towel anyway, I have 3 strikes against me, and those are just the primary dimensions of diversity, we don't want to get into secondary.  I guess getting rid of us all would make the world a better place, right? I couldn't even type that without chuckling, perhaps that's the narcissism in me.  We should be the least of your worries.  Let me just go on the record and say, we're only doing what our "Baby Boomer" (I guess I should mention I'm on the older end of the millennials) parents taught us to do.  Go to school and get an education because no one can take that away from you, be better than we were, be strong, love one another and you'll prosper!  That's what society told them was the right thing to do.  We do that and then get criticized for it.  Many of us weren't taught to hate like many of the previous generations were.  But I can tell you hate always has the most damning influence.  I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.  I wasn't given anything but food to eat, a roof, bed, and a dream.  I  was taught to work hard for everything and that life wasn't going to be easy for me because of strike 1 and 2.  I don't think my mother could've imagined that the year I was born was going to end up being another hindrance to my American Dream, oh I forgot, being a dreamer is frowned upon and is something only the millennial brats do.  It's one thing to have your opinions about us, we all are entitled to that, but the problem I have is when I start being treated differently because of it, which is something I have started to experience more and more on my career journey. 

The next time you're struggling with why you aren't able to find talented people who are ready and willing to work, with keeping talented employees, or even with selling your products to us, perhaps you should do a self check to determine if you are in fact allowing your personal opinions about a person's age group affect how you are treating him or her and how you are acting.  A lot of behaviors are learned and the media does a great job with influencing our minds; therefore, you may not even notice you're doing it.  Millennials are able to hold an educated conversation outside of mobile devices, so if you have such a desire to know this group of people better, why not get a panel of us together and just talk to us.  Take the time to learn and educate yourself instead of placing stereotypes on us and literally running with it.  But, I'm just a millennial, what do I know?

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