From the Mind of a Thinker

From the Mind of a Thinker
Friday, September 23, 2011
What Has My Country Done for Me?
In the field I work in, I meet many different types of people everyday. I admit, it's draining, but nevertheless, I'm thankful and blessed to have a job. I met a guy the other day and we'll just call him Keith. Keith just finalized a divorce with his wife, in which, she got everything; the house, car, and the kids. This leaves him homeless, carless, and alone. Keith was also recently laid off from his job of 13 years. He had worked in the automobile business all his life. That's all he knows and the only skill he has. He has no money and lacks higher education. This leaves him very little opportunity to do anything else. Very sad story. Then I think to myself...I did everything "society" taught me is the right thing to do in order to be successful and live a happy life. I grew up in a single parent home and we struggled. I stayed on the honor roll throughout my entire time in school. I participated in tons of extracurricular activities, volunteered countless hours to different organizations, went off to college, graduated, and struggled even more to find a decent job to support myself. When I finally did find one, I hated and was stressed out beyond measure. It also didn't pay enough for me to keep up with rent and other bills. There were nights I went to bed hungry because I couldn't afford to buy groceries. I ended up back at home. I then decided to join the military, was diagnosed with a disease that prevented me from staying and there I was jobless again. After returning from the military, I found it extremely difficult to get medical care from anyone. I was denied government assistance because I don't have any children and I am not and never was a recovering drug addict or alcoholic. So since I hadn't completely hit rock bottom, I couldn't get any assistance. Sad Story. I eventually found a good paying job and was able to pay off debt (except student loans, of course) and get back on my feet. Biggest difference between me and Keith: He's in his late 40s and I'm in my late 20s. I can't help but pose the question, what has my country done for me? This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yet, we have so many of our own people struggling just to survive and wondering where that next meal is going to come from. I'm sure this wasn't the meaning behind "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" (inspired by my good college friend Shamecqua Thomas). Looks to me like the indivisible has been divided for many years and I laugh when I hear 'liberty and justice for all'. This is freedom at what cost? So far my great path has gotten me into debt and there is no freedom in owing people; therefore, I remain a slave to Uncle Sam and to the society. Another question I pose is; is a democracy worth it? Looks like we're falling further and further behind. I just pray to God for a healing, quick! Look how far man has gotten us this far.
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